you should trade currency pairs that are most frequently traded in large quantity. The reason is that bigger volume means better liquidity, which means you can buy or sell in a very short time. Plus, you do not have to pay much for making such a trade. We will talk a bit more about...
Those looking to express a negative (or bearish) view on an asset will consider usingput options.A put option is a financial contract that gives an investor the right — but not the obligation — tosellan asset at a specific price at a predetermined date in the future. An investor that ...
Market sentiment, which often reacts to the news, can also play a major role in driving currency prices. If traders believe that a currency is headed in a certain direction, they will trade accordingly and may convince others to follow suit, increasing or decreasing demand 经常对消息做出反应的...
Currency Options Last, we look at currency options which differ from the other two categories in that currency values are always expressed in terms of another currency. For example, the EUR/USD shows the value of one Euro in terms of US Dollars. For these reasons, investors trading in curren...
As we have noted thus far, the premium is what you need to pay to access an options market. It is somewhat similar to a non-refundable security deposit, not least because you will bear the cost of the premium no matter which way the markets go. For example, if your trade is unsuccess...
How to trade currency.Eric Newman
It is customary for new traders to begin with well-known currency pairs, as they offer greater liquidity and better spreads. It is also better to select a currency pair for the region you trade in, as this offers the best possible trading conditions. For example, if you live in Australia...
How the trade will be settled – either with physical delivery of a given quantity of goods, or with a cash settlement. The quantity of goods to be delivered or covered under the contract. The currency unit in which the contract is denominated The currency in which the futures contract is ...
(USD), Canadian dollar (CAD), euro (EUR), British pound (GBP), Swiss franc (CHF), New Zealand dollar (NZD), Australian dollar (AUD) and the Japanese yen (JPY). Although nobody would say that currency trading is easy, having far fewer trading options makes trade andportfolio management...
A great deal of forex trade exists to accommodate speculation on the direction of currency values. Traders profit from the price movement of a particularpair of currencies. Forex Pairs and Quotes Currencies being traded are listed in pairs, such as USD/CAD, EUR/USD, or USD/JPY. These represe...