Yes, there are some risks associated with trying to track text messages on your child's phone. For example, if your child catches you spying, or trying to track, their Android or iPhone, they may feel offended and have a tendency to not trust you in the future. Additionally, if you o...
No parent wants to be labeled a “helicopter parent” – constantly hovering, watching, and controlling every aspect of their child’s life. However, ensuring the safety and well-being of our kids is a top priority.Finding a middle ground between being overly intrusive and keeping track...
Track your kids' movements, which brings us to TicTocTrack and the best way to understand their value proposition is via this news piece from a few years ago:Irrespective of what I now know about the product and what you're about to read here, this sets off alarm bells for me. I'v...
If your child has aniPhone, you can use Apple's very own Find My app (on your iPhone) to track down your child and have geofence-based notifications sent to you when they enter or leave a designated area. In order to track your child's location, you'll first need to "invite" your...
Nearpod can help you record, monitor, and track your students’ fluency progress. Students use the record feature to submit a voice recording of reading a passage on an Open-Ended Question. Watchthis quick videoto see how: 4. Understand the argument against three-cueing ...
When your kids are reaching college age, make sure your 529 is set up properly, he says. You don’t want to be close to the finish line when you need to use the money to pay for college, then lose a lot of your investment due to a bad day in the stock market. “Make su...
How to set up parental controls and monitor kids’ phone use Parental controls allow you to determine what sites and apps your child can access with their smartphone, tablet or laptop. They also let you set limits on how long a child can spend on their device and even allow you to monito...
For Bozniak, worrying she's keeping her kids on track academically is only part of the challenge facing her as she's working and home-schooling. READ: Best Jobs for Work-Life Balance. "More than anything, I'm worried that I'm not supportive enough as my kids are dealing with heightene...
Digital tools also allow parents to track and document any interactions with teachers, says Lydia McNeiley, college and career coordinator for the School City of Hammond in Indiana. If a problem ever arises or parents aren't getting a response, McNeiley says parents can use email logs to demo...