该命令将立即传送调用它的管理员或版主到指定的实体,无论在游戏世界中是随机发现的。从这个RUST实体列表的“名称”列中输入一个项目。实体名称周围的引号是可选的,因为实体名称不包含空格。 注意,这个命令不能在RCON平台上工作,需要登录到游戏服务器。 使用下面的命令: teleportany entity 这个命令将立即传送调用玩家...
The RUST teleport command, also known as the RUST tp command, allows admins to teleport a player’s character from one location to a specified location, object, or player. There are multiple tp commands and ways that teleportation works in RUST. Some teleport commands allow admins and moderat...
nteleportation.tp /tp -管理命令,允许任意位置的单边tp -不要给默认组 nteleportation.tpb Permits use of /tpb nteleportation.tpbandit Permits use of /bandit nteleportation.tpconsole Permits use of teleport.topos & teleport.toplayer nteleportation.tphome Permits use of /home tp and /tphome ntelepo...
cleos create key --to-console cleos create key --to-console Save the keys in a separate file. We will need them later. testacc owner Public Key: "EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV", testacc owner Private Key: "5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79...
The gettimeofday function is used to record the current time. After executing the code block (loopFunc in this case), we record the end time again. The time_diff function calculates the elapsed time, and the result is printed to the console. Output: loopFunc(1000000) time spent: 0.00221000...
msys2 does provide an evironment for posix programs like bash, gnu make, and other utilities, but it also provides a package manager named pacman that you can use to install lots of other things. in fact, you can use pacman to install a mingw-w64 toolchain. msys2 provides two mingw-w...
Other toolchains in development by 3rd parties include: Rust, Python, and Solidity. While these other languages may appear simpler, their performance will likely impact the scale of application you can build. We expect that C++ will be the best language for developing high-performance and secure ...
该命令将立即传送调用它的管理员或版主到指定的实体,无论在游戏世界中是随机发现的。从这个RUST实体列表的“名称”列中输入一个项目。实体名称周围的引号是可选的,因为实体名称不包含空格。 注意,这个命令不能在RCON平台上工作,需要登录到游戏服务器。