When not playing your guitar, press on the edge of a credit card or something similar to get your fingers accustomed to the sensation If you’re looking at how to build calluses for guitar, the following is a detailed guide on how you can do that, and by the end of this, playing the...
Grip: thumbs around bar, bar close to fingers, both palms facing you Arms: vertical when looking from the front, slightly incline from the side Elbows: locked before and during the pull, until lockout. Never bent. Chest: up to avoid back rounding, do NOT squeeze your shoulder-blades Lower...
His roommate was illiterate; in exchange for teaching him to read, Huang said, “he taught me how to bench-press. I ended up doing a hundred pushups every night before bed.” Although Huang lived at the academy, he was too young to attend its classes, so he went to a nearby public ...
Write about a father writing a letter to his son. What does he say about love? What does he confess about how he fell short? Write forfifteen minutes. When you're finished, post your practice in the comments. And if you post, make sure to comment on a few other Practitioners' posts...