Excel Your community for how-to discussions and sharing best practices on Microsoft Excel. If you’re looking for technical support, please visitMicrosoft Support Community. Forum Discussion
As you can see in the above picture, the output of vmstat is divided by columns:procs(processes),memory,swap,io,system, andcpu. The meaning of each field can be found in theFIELD DESCRIPTIONsections in the man page ofvmstat. Where canvmstatcome in handy? Let’s examine the behavior of...
=INDIRECT("N3") will always return the value of cell N3, even if rows above row 3 are inserted or deleted (and also if columns to the left of column N are inserted or deleted). Hi again, Column N in my excel table provides the eA1C value to the normal display precision of 1 dec...
HansVogelaar I really appreciate all your help. I have one more feature I need. The [Glucose] column is calculated. The value of the [Factor] in the formula is related to a sensor which is replaced every 2 weeks. Up until now, all the sensors have consistently used the [Fa...
will always return the value of cell N3, even if rows above row 3 are inserted or deleted (and also if columns to the left of column N are inserted or deleted). Like 1 Reply wcstarks Iron Contributor to HansVogelaarApr 18, 2022 Hi again,Column N in my excel table provides the eA...
2) Excel honors the established formatting in columns Q and R, but not in column S, when inserting new rows. 2) When I add new rows, the format of the new cells in column S format to 1 decimal place, forcing me to re-format each time I enter data into column Q, which is done...