The powers that be may be able to take the wind out of The Pirate Bay's sails, but they just can’t seem to sink it. The infamous torrent search site was forced to dock at another web address for a while, but now they’ve even managed to wrestle back their old ...
Installing and configuring Torrentio is much easier on the devices mentioned above. After creating a Stremio account, we can install the application on a PC. Doing this will allow for seamless integration on any device including Firestick & Android TV. 1. Make sure you are connected to ...
Besides the malicious links and contents posted on Nutaku by third parties, Nutaku itself will try to allure you to buy advanced features in its free games, pay for its charged games for more stimulations, as well as keep you spending money with all kinds of baits. If you don’t keep s...
To download files via torrents, you need a torrent client. Some popular torrent clients include: qBittorrent: Open-source and ad-free, offering a clean and user-friendly interface. uTorrent: One of the most popular clients, though it includes ads. BitTorrent: Similar to uTorrent, as it is...
How to use uTorrent safely from viruses? Are there alternatives for uTorrent if I give it up? Find everything in this article! Read More How to Uninstall Voicemod? If you get your current voice mod from a non-official place and want to reinstall it from the official site, firstly, you...
You were removed from the match due to internet lag, your IP or machine, VPN usage, or for cheating. We recommend not utilizing VPN or proxy services while attempting to play Fortnite. Luckily for you, this issue is fixable. ...
A VPN can also change your IP address to a specific location chosen by you. This allows you to unblock browsing, streaming, and even torrenting censorship among other restrictions based upon your location. Most ISP (Internet Service Providers) throttle down your connection to save their bandwidth...
Avoid pornographic websites, avoid crummy gaming websites, avoid websites that want to tell you which Simpsons character you’re most like, don’t download images, videos, or games from sources you don’t completely trust, don’t pirate or torrent content, check websites by googling “is [...
From torrent sites to adult content, using a VPN can help you access anything your internet provider might be blocking.
to be reconfigured. Utorrent was also reset to default settings. Finally, similar to the case of installing Windows 8 over a previous version of Windows, files that are not carried over to the new (rolled back) state are placed in a "Windows.old" folder. This folder can be safely ...