While creating a historical excuse for your party may serve to motivate the insufficiently motivated, attaching a theme to it will most likely have the opposite effect. It’s like deciding to start sporting a beret: It will make you more memorable, yes, but it will also make you seem affec...
Try sharp tasting foods and drinks, such ascitrus fruits, juices, sorbet, jelly, lemon mousse, fruit yoghurt, boiled sweets, mints, lemonade, Marmite, Bovril, or aniseed. Excessive sweetness can be relieved by diluting drinks with tonic or soda water. Adding ginger, nutmeg or cinnamon to pud...
wounds and inflammations. Harvest just when the buds began to open on a sunny day. To tell if they are ready, press a bud between your fingers, if there’s a spurt of purple or deep red they are ready to pick, if not it is either too early or too ...
soak the seeds in a disinfecting solution of four parts water to one part bleach. This helps prevent a fungal infection. After that, shake the seeds in a paper bag containing enough fungicide to coat the seeds.
Women experience and tolerate pain differently. For some pregnant women, focused breathing is all they need to get through labor and childbirth; but for others, numbing of the pain is desired. There are a number of different medications a woman can take during labor and childbirth. It is impo...
The flower color of this plant ranges from creamy-white to blue-green. The bloom time is the summer season. Light & Temperature The Blue Chalk Sticks loves to grow under the full sun, but also tolerates light shade. When growing indoors, place this plant in a room with plenty of sunligh...
the leaflet inside the Tretinoin box says to use oil-free moisturisers only. However, I’m finding the only thing my skin can tolerate with the tretinoin is face oils/anhydrous balms. All of my “super sensitive” water based creams cause an intolerable burning and I have to wash them ...
You need slightly acidic, well-draining soil. The pH levels should be between 5.0-8.0, with rich, loamy soil preferred. However, they can tolerate a bit of sand or clay, but the soil must be well-draining, or the tree may suffer from root rot. ...
1. I cut out sugar. I still end up having a small sweet treat about once a week, but I can’t tolerate much anymore. We got a ‘regular’ size milkshake the other day, I believe 20 oz. to split among 5 of us. Half of it went into the freezer for later. That’s what I mea...
In my usual life I prefer chemical since it is more predictable and my skin can tolerate it well. However since the hydroxy acids are a no-go during pregnancy I’ve opted for physical exfoliation. 3. Moisturization: The mythical glowy complexion of pregnancy can be achieved (I think I had...