fit- the minimap shrinks as necessary to never be larger than the editor and scrolling is disabled. Make sure the minimap is enabled to be able to see it displayed on the specified side. You can search for theminimap enabledsetting and check the checkbox to show the minimap. ...
Toggle Minimap Button: You can choose to show or hide the minimap button for quick access to the addon’s settings. Profile Management: Profiles: Save and switch between different configuration profiles, making it easy to switch settings for different characters or situations. Blizzard Combat Text ...
such as a Hunter pet, or an Unholy Death Knight’s Ghoul. This bar allows you to toggle or cast abilities, as well as change your pet’s behavior. Even if your class or specialization doesn’t have access to a combat pet, it is worth setting up this HUD element for the quests that...
Track wild pets on your mini-map and right click on them to battle. Go to your mini-map and toggle the “Track Pets” ability on; this will cause a green paw print to appear on the map if a wild pet is nearby. You’ll also see that paw icon appear above a creature in the game...