How to tie the Bimini Twist Knot.The Bimini is considered to be a 100% knot – providing 100% line strength. It creates a double line with a loop at the end to which a leader can be attached with a loop-to-loop connection. AnOffshore Swivel Knotis often used to tie directly to th...
The Improved Clinch Knot is a very popular method for tying line to a lure, hook or swivel. The "improved" method involves running the tag end of the line back through the loop created on the final step of the knot. It is a very good choice for lighter monofilament and fluorocarbon li...
Creates a large loop in the middle of a line. Attaches hook to leader and provides a hold for bait. Securely joins braided line to leader Attaches a fishing line to a hook, lure, or swivel. Used to join two lines of different diameters. Creates a very strong fixed loop in the end ...
Everything you need to start catching fish more consistently (regardless if you fish out of a boat, kayak, or land). Click here to join today OtherFishing TipsYou May Like: Choose aCategory: Editor's Picks Fishing Manifesto Inshore Fishing 101 ...
Cat’s Paw KnotThe cat’s paw or offshore swivel knot is used to connect a rope or line to a ring, swivel or hook. The versatile knot is simple to tie and doesn’t jam. It can be used as a sling for lifting heavy loads at any angle. The twisted loops give it good strength an...
Once the reel is attached, it’s time to thread line through the guides on your rod. This helps keep your line from tangling and allows for smoother casting. Finally, tie on a swivel and hooks for your bait or lures. Swivels help prevent line twist while also allowing you to change out...
Tie a snap swivel to the end of your line if you plan to use artificial baits. The snap swivel allows you to change baits as often as you like, without cutting your line and retying it. If you do not plan to change baits much, you can get away with not using a swivel and instea...
Cut plug herring, leader, swivel, and sliding sinker. We’ve been mooching a long time. The magic begins with cutting and rigging the bait so it spins tight and fast – just what feeding salmon like. Add to the mix the finest mooching rods made fromG.Loomisand the best small level ...
The hooks you use are also important. Sturgeon have leathery thick mouths, and you want to choose something that’ll penetrate them. Local anglers in Oregon tend to use circle or octopus hooks, usually around the size of 5/0 to 9/0. Tie a heavy swivel to your main line and add aroun...
Tie the main line to one eye of a three-way swivel and add droplines 12 and 24 inches long to the swivel’s other two eyes. The 12-inch dropline is the sinker line and should be 20-pound mono so it breaks easily if the sinker snags in rocks. The 24-inch dropline is the hook...