How to tie the Double Uni Knot. This knot is used by anglers in both salt and fresh water for joining lines of similar or different strengths. Bass fishing legend Roland Martin considers the Double Uni the best knot for tying braided line to a fluorocarbon or monofilament leader. It works...
2. If connecting a monofilament or fluorocarbon leader to monofilament fishing line, tightly wrap the tag end of the leader five to eight times around the doubled fishing line above the loop. If connecting a monofilament or fluorocarbon leader to braided line, make 10 to 16 tight wraps. ...
The "improved" method involves running the tag end of the line back through the loop created on the final step of the knot. It is a very good choice for lighter monofilament and fluorocarbon lines but can be difficult to tie with limp braided lines. Always moisten your line with saliva ...
How to tie the San Diego Jam Knot.At one time not particularly well known outside of the sport fishing capital of San Diego this knot is an excellent choice for all line types: mono, fluorocarbon and braided. It also now goes by the names San Diego Knot, Reverse Clinch Knot and Heilige...
Steve Pennaz uses braided line almost exclusively for flipping jigs and plastics on heavy-cover bass. But he’s encountered some situations in recent years where fluorocarbon line was far better for flipping because of its invisibility. In some cases, using fluorocarbon produced two or three times...
Braided line can last for several seasons. Just check to make sure it’s not excessively frayed or low on the reel. If it is, replace it. If not, tie on a new leader and go fishing. For monofilament and fluorocarbon, here are some things to consider: When the Line is Damaged or ...
What is a loop-to-loop connection? Loop-to-loop connections are very strong and simple. Two loops allow one line to pass through the other and produce two interlocking loops. What is backing? Backing is made from a material called Dacron and is a braided line. Most trout and bass anglers...
Securely joins braided line to leader To Step use Arrow Keys (). Set Speed using1 – 5. Stretch the Braid tight and alternately wrap the FluorocarbonLeader first under one side and then under the other. Repeat this wrapping again and again to form a chain of about 12 to 15 double wraps...
Anglers choosing to use fluorocarbon line with a baitcaster reel may experience backlashes or loops in their lines during use. Those errant casts cause the spool to overrun and that creates loops, kinks, and tangles in your line. Those overruns can cause a kink in the line when they occur...
Here are links to the two knots used in this tarpon catch: FG Knot– braided line to fluorocarbon leader Kreh Loop Knot– fluorocarbon leader to jig head We haven’t found an overall stronger and thinner braid to leader knot than the FG knot yet. And if someone does know of a knot tha...