The Simple Knot or Single Tie Knot The simple knot, also known as the "regatta knot" or the "four-in-hand”, is inspired by the "two half hitches" sailor knot. It is thin enough to fit almost any tie or collar. The simple knot illustrated Start with the backside of the tie faci...
Knotspedia is your trusted resource for learning how to tie knots. Explore our animation guides and videos to learn climbing knots, boating knots, fishing knots and more.
Learn how to prepare your crew for docking, how to safely control your speed on your approach to the dock, how to safely step off the boat onto the dock, and finally how to secure your boat once you have docked. The Downwind Approach A good sailor must know how to dock their boat ...
A gentleman watches his mouth.Swearing is okay for emphasis, but swearing like a sailor — F word this, F word that — is not the way a gentleman behaves. »You might like this guide onTable Manners 101: Proper Dining Etiquette You Should Know. ...
Elevate your basic tie-dye with these step-by-step instructions to make groovy swirls, stripes, polka dots, and more.
How to tie knots. Clear step by step knot instructions plus animated knots for boaters, scouts, climbers, search and rescue, arborists and sailors.
Our basic sailing courses train a novice from no knowledge to a sailor who can tie knots, steer a sailing yacht, understand basic navigation and be a responsible crew member on a sea passage. MILE BUILDING CRUISE. Enroll Here Our Mile building cruises, you will undertake qualifying passages fo...
The easiest instructions for how to tie the Diamond Knot also commonly known as the Laynard Knot. It is also called the Friendship Knot, the Sailor's Knife Knot or the Bosun's Whistle Knot. This is a decorative knot often tied with paracord or other small diameter cordage. The Lanyard ...
It doesn’t need to be perfect as this part will be relatively hidden. Securing the Center Wrap an 8-inch piece of yarn around the center of your formed loop. Cinch it tightly and tie a secure knot to outline the top section of your bow shape. Leave the ends for now; they’ll be...
a Sailboat How to Sail a Sailboat How to Tie Down the Fenders on a Sailboat How to Sail a Sailboat How to Seal a Boat Cabin After Docking How to Sail a Sailboat Safety Tips for Rigging a Sailboat How to Sail a Sailboat How to Rinse Off a Sailboat How to Sail a Sailboat Floorboard ...