To understand why, it helps to know how summer thunderstorms happen in the first place. 要理解其中奥秘,就要首先了解夏季雷雨是如何产生的。 See, warm air can hold more moisture than cold air, so in the summer, water in the environment tends to evaporate into the heated air near the ground....
Why do thunderstorms happen at night? Thunderstorms that form at night occurin the absence of heating at the ground by the sun. Consequently, the storms that form at night are usually "elevated," meaning that they form aloft above the cooler air near the ground, rather than near the ground...
Severe storms like tornadoes don't just pop into existence — they develop out of thunderstorms, where there's already a steady, upward flow of low-pressure, warm air to get things started. It's kind of like when a rock concert erupts into a riot. Conditions were already volatile; they ...
meteorological events. According to theNational Weather Service, in 2020 there were 17 direct lightning fatalities in the U.S., compared with 20 in 2019. From 2010 to 2019, on average, 26 people died each year from lightning strikes in the United States. Most fatalities happen when people ve...
Thunderstorms themselves form like many other clouds: Moist, warm air rises and cools, causing the water vapor to condense into clouds. However, if the updraft continues, this cloud mass will continue to grow and rise 40,000 feet (12,192 m) or more up into the troposphere, the bottom...
《How often》 can also be used to ask about events that happen repeatedly, even if they aren't necessarily habitual actions. This could include things like: "《How often》 does the bus arrive?" (Answer: "Every 15 minutes," "Twice an hour," etc.) "《How often》 are there thunderstorm...
destructive erosion elements such as winds and unexpected thunderstorms. For centuries, nomads have grazed their flocks and herds to any place where pasture can be found, and oases have offered chances for a more settled way of living. For some nomads, wherever they move to, the desert follows...
When a specific field is used to graze an excessive herd, it will experience a loss in vegetation coverage, and the soil will be trampled as well as be pulverised, leaving the topsoil exposed to destructive erosion elements such as winds and unexpected thunderstorms. For centuries, nomads ...
It's spawned from severe thunderstorms with enough energy and the proper conditions to start a "cyclone" of spinning air. Tornadoes can happen anywhere and at any time, but they tend to happen most frequently in the late evening or during the night, when thunderstorms sweeping across the land...
When a specific field is used to graze an excessive herd, it will experience a loss in vegetation coverage, and the soil will be trampled as well as be pulverised, leaving the topsoil exposed to destructive erosion elements such as winds and unexpected thunderstorms. For centuries, nomads ...