简介 ""How to Think Like a Computer Scientist"" is an introduction to programming using Python, one of the best languages for beginners. This is a Free Book ...展开短评 打开App写短评 Terry Chen2012-08-19 09:23:58 本书优点是生动有趣,适于入门者阅读。但平心而论在 Python 和 CS 方面...
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Allen B. Downey 是美国Olin工程学院的计算机科学副教授。他曾经在WellesleyCollege、Colby College和U.C.Berkeley教授计算机科学课程。他基于自己教授计算机程序设计课程的经验,开创了“像计算机科学家一样思考”(How to ThinkLike a Com...
HowToThinkLikeAComputerScientist-eecs46yorku46ca 系统标签: scientistmultiplicationnumbersthinkgradeintegers GradeSchoolRevisited: HowToMultiplyTwoNumbers CS15-251Lecture4Lecture4 2X2=5 Rememberhowtomultiply2complex numbersa+biandc+di? (a+bi)(c+di)=[ac–bd]+[ad+bc]i ...
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How to think like a computer scientist, learning with PythonNación, Archivo General de laLlorens, DavidFallis, A.GGundersen, Vidar Bronken