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if you the texts are appearing to be very small and causing continuous strain to the eyes even while you are trying to read your friend’s WhatsApp, you should consider increasing the text size on the device. Luckily, Android is full of possible options that can increase the...
You could also use Google Maps to track an Android device. If the GPS service is enabled, you can see where the Android has been as well as where it is now. You can use Google Maps to view historical or real-time location tracking. However, you must sign in with your account and al...
How to send a link in text messages with an Android Image via Unsplash Sending a link in a text message on Android is an easy process. Follow these steps to easily share a URL: Open your messaging app: Open the default messaging app (e.g., Messages or any other app you use for te...
In order to send a text to an Android phone (or even to someone using an iPhone who isn't logged into iMessage), you need an iPhone signed into the same Apple ID. On the iPhone, go to Settings>Messages>Text Message Forwarding and select your iPad. See here for more information: Fo...
Sending videos through text using an Android Android devices have two different native texting apps, Google Messages and Samsung Messages, that you can use to send MMS. Here’s how to send a video through Samsung Messages: Select the Samsung Messages app. Select a conversation or tap the botto...
Fixes to iPhone Not Sending Texts to Android Phone The iPhone not being able to send texts to an Android device is a common problem and there can be many reasons behind this problem. However, whatever the reason is, below we have compiled some fixes that can probably resolve this problem ...
After the upload finishes, switch to Android and open Google Photos. Log in to the same Google account you just used and view the new pics. On your Android device, select an image, open the 3-dot menu, and choose "Download" toget photos onto your Android phone. ...
It’s easy to sign documents right on your Android phone or tablet with the Docusign app for Android. Table of contents How to sign documents on Android Can I sign a document on my Android phone without an email account? Can I send a document for electronic signing from my Android phone...
You may need to add some text to a photo for a lot of reasons. It could be a greeting, or a question about the product in the photo, whatever. Here’s how you canadd stylish textto a photo using your Android phone using the popular Texty app. ...