I’m a creature of habit. I eat the same breakfast almost every day. Oatmeal, yogurt, and a few berries. I know the exact grams of carbohydrates – it hasn’t changed in forever! But from one day to the next, my insulin doesn’t seem to do the trick and
People with Type 2 Diabetes might have to check their blood sugar levels 2-4 times a day depending on their pre-existing body conditions. Furthermore, additional insulin intake also plays a pivotal role in the number of times one assesses blood sugar. In general, the preferred timings are be...
In type 2 and gestational diabetes (GD), your body still produces insulin, but it doesn't use it efficiently. This is called insulin resistance and it makes blood sugar levels rise.3 If you have one of these conditions, you may only need to test two to four times per day. You may t...
then blood sugar levels go up and the pancreas releases even more insulin to try and bring them down again. If this process goes on for a prolonged period of time, then you may develop diabetes or a condition called prediabetes (which causes less severe symptoms). In either...
When you monitor your blood sugar at home, many factors play into the accuracy and usefulness of your readings. Follow these tips for better glucose monitoring.
If the last part isn’t obvious, test your ability to accomplish complex goals after not sleeping at all, while you have the flu, right after having an intense argument or after drinking 10 shots of espresso. So why is intelligence enhancement going to split humanity into separate species?
Regular exercise sessions and physical activity, such as brisk walking, running, swimming, or cycling, can effectively help manage blood sugar levels. This can contribute to overall health improvement, including better weight management, enhanced cardiovascular health, and increased insulin sensitivity. Re...
It can help keep yourBMIat the right level, which can protect you against numerous health issues, includingMASLD. But even if your BMI doesn’t change, exercise and other ways of staying active are likely to help. Why? Because being active improves how your insulin works and burns triglyceri...
Not test your blood sugar level as often Forget or delay a dose of medication and/or insulin Mental stress can affect your blood sugar levels Use your diabetes logbook to discover if mental stress affects your blood sugar levels, especially if you have type 2 diabetes. Some people with type...
People with diabetes can run into trouble if their levels of blood sugar andinsulinare out of balance. Usually, they can take steps to correct what's going on and stop the symptoms. But sometimes, they won't be able to help themselves, and you may need to step in to save their life...