printf("\nTimeout: No data received for %d ms\n", UART_TIMEOUT_MS);break;}}printf("\nReception finished.\n");return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;}U_BOOT_CMD(uart_test, 3, 1, do_uart_test,"Test UART communication ","<uart_base> <message>\n"" - Send <...
Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) is a key player in the digital orchestra of computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone communication. Acting like a linguistic bridge, UART enables these devices to exchange information seamlessly, ensuring your gadgets speak the same digital language. Fr...
I recently posted a question related to a project I've been working on. I wanted help to achieve Uart-to-USB communication to transmit counting data from my DE10-Nano to my computer. This is the post:
How to configure TC375 for UART communication? Any other simple way without using ASCLIN? nexxaa_22 Level 1 15 May 2024 I am a beginner in AURIX and would like to learn how to configure TC375 for UART communication. But using ASCLIN seems so difficult for me t...
I tried another example which is test the i2c communication of our board. In this program, I written some data in EEPROM of one address. For this write operation, I used this chip_i2c_transfer function. after this write operation, i have to use the read operation to read the data from...
There are different useful ways to test if the code worked successfully, two of them are explained below. 2.1. STM32CubeIDE debugging tab. You can check whether the PC is set to the Flash or Boot address in the debug tab on the top left corner of the debug perspective. At...
Is there any method by which we can upgrade the firmware of the MSP430 devices remotely (by sending HEX file) using UART communication? Almso tevery MSP has a so-called BSL (BootStrap Loader) which requires a serial connect...
To enable it, perform the following steps: Configure the microphone settings on CYW20721 EVK. After the connection is successful, set the voice path in the audio gateway over the SCO channel. Add the following code in the btm_event_handler() function inwiced_app.cfile i...
Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, usually call UART, is a serial, asynchronous, full-duplex communication protocol that is widely used in the embedded field.
We still can not use USB of C6747 to communicate with PC. We use UART instead though its low bandwidth is hardly meet our requirements. We also use a USB bridge chip FT245 to communicate with PC to provide high bandwith communication. Because depend on our capability, we do not have ...