There are typically four problems that can occur with the tach:it is totally inoperative and always displays zero; the needle is stuck or permanently pegged; the needle is erratic; or the RPMs are consistently off - either low or high. To test the tachometer, you will need a digital multi...
In order to follow along with the project, you will need to have a device with CAN bus or other protocols supported by the Sparkfun shield. You also need to find documentation on your system such as wiring diagrams; if you cannot locate these resources, then you may have to make your o...
Step 1:The IAC valve in most cases is installed on the throttle bore to adjust the air intake into the engine at idle mode. The power control module got feedback data from sensors to command the air passage to open or close. Remember that the valve will not be used and has nothing to...
instead of trying to do the impossible and measure the noise of a power supply while we are testing it, there is nothing keeping us from using a non-intrusive laser tachometer to record the speed of the fan instead. Then, we can simply...