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How to Perform Power Integrity Analysis Analyzing power integrity requires making measurements such as power distribution network (PDN) impedance, power rail integrity, and control loop response. Learn how to measure and analyze multiple power rails using a real-time oscilloscope. ...
The stepper motor may also be attached to the throttle housing. A small control rod will move onto the throttle lever and adjust the butterfly opening in very precise increments. The individual earth paths can be checked using the oscilloscope. The waveforms should be similar on each path. Var...
Did you know it was possible to measure current with an oscilloscope? Our guide explores how to use an oscilloscope to measure current, through the use of current probes, or measuring voltage drop
Oscilloscope: An oscilloscope is a key tool for inspecting the behavior of MOSFETs, allowing engineers to study high-frequency signals with unparalleled accuracy. With it, they can identify problems and fine-tune circuits more quickly than ever before! Function generator: A function generator is an...
Oscilloscope bandwidth refers to the range of frequencies that can be measured by the device. Specifically, bandwidth describes the frequency range of an input signal that can pass through the analog front end with minimal amplitude loss—from the tip of the probe or test fixture to the input ...
test points in your circuit, and measure the voltage, you can calculate the current. Another method is to use a current probe. A current probe connects to an oscilloscope just like a standard probe. Once connected, it will provide automatic unit scaling and readout on the oscilloscope's ...
If you require more customizability than an oscilloscope, such as in-line FPGA processing, adigitizermay be a better fit for your application than an oscilloscope. For example,FlexRIO digitizersalso feature high-performance analog-to-digital converters, but allow for more customization. While oscil...
Testing the crystal is not a breeze either. You cannot just take out your trusty meter and test the crystal in it. In fact, there are three methods to test a crystal: - Using an Oscilloscope- A crystal oscillator produces a sine wave when excited. It is appropriate then, to see a wav...
How to measure current with a current probe A current probe is a tool that allows an instrument such as an oscilloscope to measure current waveforms by converting current into voltage. They’re useful in a wide range of current measurement scenarios because they allow signal observation from out...