letobj={};if(Object.keys(obj).length===0){console.log("The object is empty");}else{console.log("The object is not empty");} Another way to test for an empty object is to use theJSON.stringify()method, which converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string. If the resulting string ...
7 Mock setInterval method in react using jest test cases 0 I am having hard time writing Jest test for timer 2 setInterval not working when testing with jest 1 How to test code inside setInterval with jest.useFakeTimers() 1 Jest testing useInterval React Hook not working 1 Testin...
Now I would like to test this in jest it('throws error when name is not supplied',async() => {const{ root } =awaitnewSpecPage({components: [MyComponent],html:'<my-component></my-component>'});expect(() =>{ root.name=''; }).toThrow(newError('name: required')) }) And the ...
"npm test" command not working; "./jest" command not working When attempting to run Jest in watch mode, you may encounter an error that says something like: `fsevents` unavailable (this watcher can only be used on Darwin)' Jest watch mode has a dependency on a tool calledwatchman, which...
Since my original javascript code to detect IE 8 was wrong how do I know my detection for Windows 7 is correct. To note: I do not have a computer which has windows 7 on it now to test this. I have also search the web and could not find anything good. Here is the code I ha...
通过使用一些很棒的 JavaScript 框架来根据 DOM 的变化来动态加载 JavaScript 模块。 可能当你在开发一个所见即所得编辑器的时候,使用 MutationObserver 接口来收集任意时间点上的更改,从而轻松地实现撤消/重做功能。 这只是几个 MutationObserver 的使用场景。
通过使用一些很棒的 JavaScript 框架来根据 DOM 的变化来动态加载 JavaScript 模块。 可能当你在开发一个所见即所得编辑器的时候,使用 MutationObserver 接口来收集任意时间点上的更改,从而轻松地实现撤消/重做功能。 这只是几个 MutationObserver 的使用场景。
I want to write the code in the navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" because in some code only IE is supported other browsers are not working. plz help. All replies (6) Monday, January 17, 2011 3:42 AM ✅Answered in javascript you can do this, window.location.href="pa...