A problem with using host-device synchronization points, such ascudaDeviceSynchronize(), is that they stall the GPU pipeline. For this reason, CUDA offers a relatively light-weight alternative to CPU timers: the CUDA event API. The CUDA event API includes calls to create and destroy events, r...
The NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit is a platform to perform parallel computing tasks using NVIDIA GPUs. By installing the CUDA Toolkit on Ubuntu, machine learning programs can leverage the GPU to parallelize and speed up tensor operations. This acceleration significantly boosts the development and deployment of ...
All device operations (kernels and data transfers) in CUDA run in a stream. When no stream is specified, the default stream (also called the “null stream”) is used. The default stream is different from other streams because it is a synchronizing stream with respect to operations on the d...
therefore I conclude there is no reason to believe that I could hook a call into libcuda using the LD_PRELOAD trick, and I also observe that this restriction/limitation is not new or different in 11.4 compared to many previous versions of CUDA. If you have control over the application build...
Thanks a lot! I managed to get the code working. However I just want to confirm something. I called setTimer() before GetMessage() loop. Is this correct? Yes (when I have a main window, I usually do most of initializations in WM_CREATE of the window)...
In general I found AutoGPTQ seems to be very particular about whether or not it will build the CUDA kernel Is there some command I can give to force it to build it? It would be really helpful. Thanks very much ContributorAuthor
This tutorial needs to be run from inside a NeMo docker container. If you are not running this tutorial through a NeMo docker container, please refer to theRiva NMT Tutorialsto get started. Before we get into the Requirements and Setup, let us create a base direc...
Highly unlikely to be a good idea. The CUDA compiler is based on LLVM, an extremly powerful framework for code transformations, i.e. optimizations. If you run into the compiler optimizing away code that you don’t want to have optimized away, create dependencies that prevent that from happeni...
RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (100) : no CUDA-capable device is detected at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/THCGeneral.cpp:50 pytorch cannot access GPU in Docker The TensorFlow library wasn't compiled to use FMA instructions, but these are available on your machine and could speed up CPU computat...
Whereas the static quantized model is not working with ONNXruntime(DnnlExecutionProvider). I'd like to check if there is any recommended way to effectively quantize yolov8 model? Additional Issue with static quantized model: onnxruntime.capi.onnxruntime_pybind11_state.RuntimeException: [ONNX...