Are you pregnant? Know when and how to take a pregnancy test and understand your results. See what to do next after taking a pregnancy test.
註释:HCG(人绒毛膜促性腺激素):验孕棒测试原理是根据人体尿液中的人绒毛膜促性腺激素(Human Chorionic Gonadotropin简称HCG)来检测的,HCG仅在您怀孕时才会出现。只有当受精卵附着在子宫外或子宫内膜上时才会释放激素。 这才是科学计算妊娠周期的姿势! 古往今来,传承下来的估算孕周的方式五花八门,比如说根据胎动计算,...
How to testOutlines tips to follow to successfully adjust jets and suspension settings on a dirt bike. Discusses front and rear suspension, damping and spring preload. Good habits; Practice testing; Oil levels.Dirt Bike
How Does an At-Home Pregnancy Test Work? Home pregnancy tests are designed to detect the presence of the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in urine. Produced during pregnancy, hCG can be detected shortly after implantation. While a positive test result indicates the presence of hCG, sug...
The presence of hCG leads to a positive pregnancy test result, while lack of hCG causes a negative result. You can also get a false negative by taking the test too soon; this happens if hCG levels didn't rise enough yet to be detected by the test. ...
To make sure you get the best results from a home pregnancy test, find out how early is too early to test – and how to use an at-home test correctly.
You should be able to read the results after a few minutes. If you get a positive test, it's likely to be correct. If you get a negative result and still think you’re pregnant, it's possible that you have taken the test too early for the hCG hormone to be detected. Wait a ...
accurate, so it is usually tested seven days after menstruation has not come, and the results obtained will be more accurate. The basic principle of this special tool is to test the level of HCG in the body. If the level of HCG is too low, of course will result in inaccurate results....
What is an ovulation test? An ovulation test, also often called an ovulation predictor kit (OPK), is a test you can take at home that’s used to help you determine the most fertile days of your menstrual cycle. Ovulation tests can help you to pinpointwhen you’re ovulatingso you’ll...
The reality is that pregnancy tests can’t tell you anything until your body starts producing detectable levels of the hormone hCG that these tests are designed to identify. Whether you’re hoping to be pregnant or hoping you’re not, you might be eager to take a test the minute you’ve...