but they are unlikely to give you useful information. These typically use a lab dish to attract and grow mold spores from the air in your home. They may give you the false idea you have a mold problem because mold is likely to grow in almost any room under the right conditions. ...
Immunosuppressive medication, such as for organ transplants Steroid therapy for a long time HIV Age older than 65 Absence of the spleen (after surgical removal of the spleen) Sarcoidosis (a condition characterized by an unusual form of inflammation, leading to the formation of so-called granuloma...
but they are unlikely to give you useful information. These typically use a lab dish to attract and grow mold spores from the air in your home. They may give you the false idea you have a mold problem because mold is likely to grow in almost any room under the right conditions. ...
Is sarcoidosis a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified? What causes lung infection? How does smoking cause an aortic aneurysm? What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute exacerbation?
Others: In addition, hypercalcemia can also be seen in sarcoidosis, adrenal insufficiency, acute renal insufficiency, acidosis, dehydration, etc. Decreased serum calcium; hypocalcemia is more common clinically, especially in infants and young children. ...
How to test for Hirschsprung's disease Hirschsprung's Disease:Hirschsprung's disease is a condition in which nerve cells at the end of an infant's colon and/or rectum are missing, making it very difficult for the infant to pass a stool. This condition is the result of a birth defect, ...
autoimmune inflammation of the pituitary gland or sarcoidosis hypothalamic or pituitary damage due to head trauma, infarction, surgery, radiation, etc. Low T can be caused by certain medications, including glucocorticoids, opioids, and anabolic steroids For example, studies reveal that long-term therapy...
There are two types of self-tests commonly used for the diagnosis of syphilis: Rapid syphilis test kits: These blood-based tests look similar to a home pregnancy test and can return results in as little as 15 to 20 minutes. While convenient, the tests can be expensive and are vulnerable ...
Chronic cough is a common reason for medical consultation, and effective assessment is essential for management. A routine clinical assessment should include history, examination, a chest radiograph and spirometry as a minimum. Further investigations sho
**Supplementation is not recommended for everyone. Certain conditions, such as sarcoidosis and some lymphomas, can produce excessive amounts of vitamin D, and in these instances, one should move forward cautiously under the supervision of a healthcare professional.References(1) (PDF) http://www....