“Overall survival for this disease is typically in the 5-year range overall. Patients who present early do a lot better than somebody coming to the emergency room with a belly full of fluid with disease.” – Dr. Deepa Magge, mesothelioma specialist at Vanderbilt University Survival Rates for...
Want to know what’s best for your skin get latest beauty tips for men & women, trending hairstyles, make-up how to’s and fashion hacks everyone should know.
We are renowned for our expertise in handling mesothelioma and other asbestos related disease claims. We have obtained substantial compensation for people injured or assaulted at work including brain injury and spinal injury claims and have unrivalled knowledge and experience of conducting product liability...
A Guide for the Medical Community on How to Navigate MesotheliomaFontaine, JacquesJournal of Oncology Navigation & Survivorship
When people with mesothelioma approach our office about a potentialasbestos lawsuit, the first contact is often with our intake department. This starts an information-gathering process. We ask them to provide us with essential information about themselves, their family members, their work history, the...
“For imaging, there’s going to be that anxiety. It’s a nervous experience. That’s whywe stress being activeand doing all those things to maintain your health.” –Dr. James Pingpank, mesothelioma specialist at UPMC Hillman Cancer Center ...
Mesothelioma can help families learn about the legal angle of the case. Even if they’re not prepared to file for a lawsuit, they can learn about what legal options are in store for them. This can help them discuss options with the patient and figure out what they wish to do about mes...
Testicular mesothelioma is the rarest type. There is no official staging system and no formal stage 4. It can spread to distant pelvic tissue. For all mesothelioma types at stage 4, tumors have invaded deeper tissues and spread to distant sites. Malignant mesothelioma tumors can spread to your...
Getting diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer can be stressful. Learn coping strategies and find helpful mental health resources.
Mesothelioma is a painful, complex, and challenging disease that is most often fatal for the people diagnosed with it. But if you notice the signs and symptoms of pleural mesothelioma early enough, and your doctors successfully use imaging to detect that cancer, you may get treatment early enoug...