A child that is having difficulty with speech and communication will sometimes have these behaviors due to this frustration with lack of communication. I think feeling stressed can also bring them on. And nutritional deficiencies may exacerbate them. (Magnesium deficiency, would be my first guess.)...
The human thyroid gland is an endocrine gland whose main aim is to produce the thyroid hormones that are essential for various physiological functions of the body. It is present on the anterior side of the neck at the base of the Adam's apple....
a common result of iodine deficiency, your body will have a very difficult time getting to sleep. One of the main reasons for this is that your body’s liver has a difficult
Is the methyl red test positive or negative for mixed acid fermentation? Diagram how you would do the following dilution &/or calculation: Diluting lysozyme from 20mg/mL to 4ug/uL A solution you are working with has a pH of 3. You need it to have a pH of 7. What would...
How to use lab results for medication adjustments Thyroid Tests 101 Testing thyroid hormone levels is the first step in diagnosing a thyroid disorder and determining the appropriate course of treatment. However, I’ve found that many doctors don’t test for Hashimoto’s, despite having their patie...
These facts lead us toward one possible strategy for raising HDL: swallow a lot of pathogens! Our Strategy: Benign Hormetic Stress But this isn’t likely be desirable. Higher HDL may do some good, but the pathogens are likely to do a lot more harm. ...
How much would the peace of mind (and body) be worth to you knowing that your tongue is no longer “beat up”, “bald” or just plain “Nasty”? Many people spend hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars seeing doctor after doctor and taking test after test, with no help in sight. ...
There are two options to test for the most commonly eaten foods: The96 Food Paneltest checks for IgG (a branch of the immune system that mediates food sensitivities as well as Hashimoto’s) reactions to 96 common foods. You can order this test through myRupa HealthorMyMedLabportals. ...
If your doctor suspects that an electrolyte imbalance is behind your symptoms, they will do a blood test. You may also be able to get tested through independent laboratories. While your doctor will help you interpret your results, it is empowering and useful to understand normal electrolyte level...
What are the signs and symptoms of iodine deficiency and toxicity? What is the importance of calcium to the health of a human being and what are some food sources of calcium? Thoroughly explain how the iodine chemical indicator (iodine test) works. What effect does PTH have on blood calcium...