Kennedy had the last laugh – pH is something that I now regularly monitor in my aquarium. And today I am going to teach you how to do the same! So read on to learn everything you ever wanted to know about your aquarium’s pH! [sc name=”aquarium-ph-text-links-code”] Apera Inst...
When you have high concentrations of ammonia in your aquarium and, especially if your fish are already being affected, the first thing you’ll want to do is to lower the impact of the ammonia in your tank. Here are several ways of doing so: ...
1.As waste breaks down, it gives off ammonia. 2.A bacteria callednitrosomonasbreaks down theammoniainto nitrites. 3.Asecondbacteria, callednitrobacterthen feeds on the nitrites and produces nitrates. So without nitrites, nitrates in your aquarium wouldn’t exist. ...
Prepare the tank by testing thepH, ammonia andchlorinelevels. Chlorine and ammonia must be zero.1 Also, verify that thewater temperatureis suitable for the new fish. You will use the pH results when acclimating the fish. If there is ammonia or chlorine in the aquarium use a dechlorina...
This cycle can take weeks to months to establish itself before the aquarium is safe for fish. You will need to run the aquarium filters during this process and add an ammonia source, such as fish food or household ammonia. You will need to regularly test the water with aliquid testing kit...
If you keep fish in an aquarium, it’s important to maintain the water’s pH level. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. If the pH level is too high or too low, it can be harmful to the fish. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to lower pH in aquariu...
Always choose the largest size aquarium that fits your living room and your budget. Size in a marine aquarium, size is critical since the fish capacity is three to five times less than a freshwater aquarium. Although we have seen successful marine tanks that are smaller, a 20 gallon is smal...
You’ll need to allow the aquarium to cycle for ten days or so before you can safely add your fish. Use an aquarium water testing kit to check the levels of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates during that time. When ammonia and nitrite levels are zero, and nitrates are at or below 20 par...
And finally, you should purchase a good water test kit that allows you to measure the pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels of the water. Be sure to test these water parameters before adding your fish.
should be placed in an area that is somewhat sheltered, but yet receives plenty of sunlight. Rinse the tote well, fill with unclorinated (clean water) – the best way to insure the water is clean, is with the reverse ozmosis filter. This is where you test the water for ammonia & ...