购买了汽车蓄电池测试仪后,就可以查看蓄电池的状况了。大多数测试仪都附有如何操作特定设备的详细说明,但这里有一些一般步骤和提示可供参考。 在开始做任何事情之前,建议您在使用电池时戴上橡胶手套和护目镜。手套和护目镜可以保护您的手和眼睛不受酸液的伤害。 首先要确保关闭车辆的点火装置,并关闭车内的所有...
The alternator produces electricity and charge the battery. If the alternator is working well, the lifespan of your car’s battery is maximized. If it overcharge or undercharge, the battery’s life will be shortened. Here’s how to test the alternator with a multimeter. Leave the engine ru...
This is a new component that has been added to modern cars. The indicator is a cover attached to the battery, and when you turn on the ignition, an arrow moves to either red or green. When the voltage of your battery is low, it turns red, when it is in good condition, it turns ...
There are a few common signs of a bad battery. One obvious sign would be the complete absence of any lights or cranking when you try to turn on the car. Another would be the engine cranking laboriously but not actually starting. This one is less clear, but more times than not, it’s...
Check if your car includes a built-in health indicator. It’s usually a small circular window on top of the car’s battery. You’ll notice a colour indicator, so you must know what each colour refers to. A green colour indicates good condition, while a black or dark colour means it ...
A state of charge test doesn’t reveal anything about the condition of your battery. State ofcharge test tells you whether the batteryis sufficiently charged or not. A good battery should hold a charge after its recharged. A bad one won’t be able to do that. ...
When your car doesn’t start, often the battery is the culprit. Unfortunately, most vehicle owners do not check their battery until it fails. As preventative maintenance, the suggested best practice is to conduct a car battery voltage test regularly – a
电解液重力电压测试 这是非密封铅酸电池使用的方法。使用这种方法时,比重计测量蓄电池电压。比重 1.269 表示蓄电池完全充满电。读数为 1.229 表示电池已充满 75%,1.194 表示电池已充满 50%,1.159 表示电池已充满 25%。1.124 表示电池没电。 性能和容量负载测试 ...
Shopping for a new car battery doesn't have to be stressful. With the right information, choosing the perfect battery for your vehicle is easier than you might think. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know, including:...
If your car battery is dead and you need to replace it, here's how to do it simply and safely in five steps.