In some cases, the two templates are the same (homozygous), but in many cases the two templates are different (heterozygous). Here is a well-known example from pea plants. Peas can be tall or short. The difference comes, according to Carol Deppe in the book "Breed Your Own Vegetable ...
Try to make it through a day without using or hearing the word "evolution" and you'll see just how widespread this theory is. Evolution is fascinating because it attempts to answer one of the most basic human questions: Where did life, and human beings, come from? The theory of ...
The reason I’m refreshing your memory on PVFS is because I want to contrast that with heart disease, more specificallyLVH or Left Ventricular Hypertrophy. The symptoms for this and PVFS look similar, and so it is something you need to consider if you have fatigue and shortness of breath. ...
Please note although I know there are no indispensable people in business my role in the company makes me as close to that as is possible as only I know all the work rounds and tricks to get our crappy systems to work. Edit: I have thought about finding a new position but...
Don’t genes control your destiny? For example if you have alterations in the way your body detoxifies stress hormones then are you not destined to be a super stress-mess? The answer to all these questions is a resounding NO! Remember this:your genes are NOT your destiny but they are ...
The aim of this section is not to tell the story of the Fly Room anew, but to retrace some of the concepts sedimented in the fly stocks that prompted Muller to approach X-ray mutagenicity differently than contemporary scientists working with other organ- isms. In particular, I contend that ...
Try to make it through a day without using or hearing the word "evolution" and you'll see just how widespread this theory is. Evolution is fascinating because it attempts to answer one of the most basic human questions: Where did life, and human beings, come from? The theory of ...
As the days get shorter, their instincts tell them winter is getting close, so they'd better head south (we'll talk about how they know which way is south later). Experiments have shown that animals exposed to constant artificial photoperiods will act is if they were experiencing those ...
Try to make it through a day without using or hearing the word "evolution" and you'll see just how widespread this theory is. Evolution is fascinating because it attempts to answer one of the most basic human questions: Where did life, and human beings, come from? The theory of ...