To make it easy to control who can SSH to the server. By using a group, we can quickly add/remove accounts to the group to quickly allow or not allow SSH access to the server.How It WorksWe will use the AllowGroups option in SSH's configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config to tell ...
Some FTP clients offer tools that will search the folder recursively. For example, if you use FileZilla, then you can right click the folder and select ‘Add files to queue’. Any files found in any subdirectories of the folder will be added to the queue in the bottom pane. You c...
Cloud assets are vulnerable to attack if set up incorrectly. For example, the Capital One breach was traced back to a web application firewall misconfiguration that exposed Amazon Simple Storage Service buckets. In addition toinsecure storage, excessive permissions and the use of default credentials...
Great job if you've gotten this far! You're now familiar with how to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot challenge. Don't fret if you feel lost during the process. Bypassing Cloudflare or any other anti-bot can feel daunting, but that doesn't mean you should give up on your scraping project...
How to SRE When Everything's Already on Fire Case Study: Implementing SLOs for a New Service Creating a Code Review Culture Stack Overflow Blog Posts “This should never happen. If it does, call the developers.” Infrastructure as code: Create and configure infrastructure elements in seconds ...
Worms get the job done byexploiting hidden vulnerabilitiesin your computer’s operating system (OS).Hackerscreate worms in such a way that they can burrow into the target OS and do their dirty work without your knowledge. Below, we’ll show you how to tell if your computer has a worm so...
kernel. Everyone I worked with there provided just enough information on what they wanted me to do or test or collect data from, offered more assistance if I needed it, and made me feel like my (honestly, relatively unimportant) bug was something they were going to get to the bottom of....
If you found this howto very useful, spread the word and help others? If this howto was exceptionally useful why not donate me some beer money? (Though please send me a message in addition so I don't miss the donation, and feel ungrateful). Or buy a postfix book using my Amazon...
Imagine a world where each AI-created content wore a badge of honor (or a watermark, if you will). And, if we all became a bit more media-savvy, flexing our critical thinking muscles, we’d be in a better place to tell the real deal from the AI spin. ...
If you are running a business website, thenSucuriis a must-have solution because it offers complete end-to-end WordPress security. 5 Reasons Why We Love Sucuri After reading about our experiences with Sucuri, you can tell why we love it. Here are 5 reasons we recommend it so...