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If the error doesn’t stop you from accessing your website’s backend, log into your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to Appearance > Themes. Here you can choose the active theme between all installed themes on your website. To switch the theme, press the Activate button on one of your defau...
Finding Cookies with Google Chrome Finding Cookies with Mozilla Firefox Identify Cookies Using Phantom JS (a method for developers) PhantomJS is a “headless browser”, i. e. a tool that allows you to perform actions that normally require the use of a browser, without rendering the browser its...
If you want to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu using the Terminal, you can do so with only a few commands. Since Chrome is not part of Ubuntu’s official repository, you need to download the DEB file and install it via Google’s source. Here is what the process looks like: 1. Open ...
Here, you can choose how to detect the HTTPS content on your website. The default option is to use a standard WordPress function, which will work for most websites. Below that, you will find other options that are useful if you are usingCloudflare CDN, an Nginx web server, and more. ...
If one of your visitors (or you) see one of the following warnings in Chrome, your site has likely been hacked and infected with malware. The above warning indicates that your site has been used in phishing campaigns. A victim is emailed a URL that contains a link to your website. A ...
How to check if windows store app is installed How to check logged user counts on remote windows machine with powershell How to check network folder exist with credentials using powershell 5 How to check script run successfully or not? How to check status of a bluetooth paired device using ...
That’s why Chrome marks all websites without an SSL certificate as “Not secure”. The ‘Not secure’ label in the browser’s address bar gives a bad impression to your customers about your business. Aside from that, you also need SSL/HTTPS enabled if you want tostart an online storeor...
Ok, lets say a users has already installed Chrome, I would like to restrict this user to install add-ons. Google Chrome nowadayas have lots of add-ons and what annoys us IT is the SetupVPN add-on. This VPN add-on just bypasses our Firewall's Web Filter and app control totally. ...
Open Google Chrome. If Trend Micro Security is installed, a pop-up will appear with this message: "Protect Chrome with the Powerful Trend Micro Toolbar" Click the Install Trend Micro Toolbar button. If the pop-up doesn't appear, you can install it here. Click Add to Chrome. If the...