Fortunately, Activision heard player complaints and added the feature back in an update a few months after the release. However, official support is limited to just a fewcontrollers. Also, using a controller will match you and other players using controllers to keep things fair. So, which contr...
Get rid of all the spam commenters who comment random things or random letters and numbers and tag you in them if you tell them not to, just for the sake of getting likes. Yaoi Fans Make them stop worshiping yaoi as if it's the greatest thing to ever exist. Make them stop shipping...
This error message has alarmed many players trying to get into Diablo 4, as it seems like the type of message you'd see if your account was banned. Don't worry, though, because this is simply a server-related error. If you see this error pop up, you'll need to wait a few minutes...
How to recover the lost account in Call of Duty Mobile In some rare cases, players lose their account data even if they have a Facebook or Google Play login. It is not normal but no need to panic. In that case, the players will need to contact Activision support. The support will ma...
Where are you attempting to unlink your email account, is it on an email client you have on your desktop computer? If you are using an email client, are you using the Outlook desktop application or a third party email client? Are you pertaining to unlinking your...
Call of Duty Mobile may have been quickly overshadowed by Call of Duty: Warzone, but there's still a place in the world for this portable entry in Activision's long-running (and bestselling) shooter series. But when we're all staying at home due to global reasons beyond our control, we...
Being rewarded for material envy would be fine if you couldn't purchase supply drops with real money, and even with the option, supply drop voyeurism still isn't quite as concerning as Activision's recent patent that uses matchmaking to set players up with prettier people. It just feels lik...
NeoGAF is my go-to hub for NX rumors. I like it there because members in good standing can be permanently banned for nonchalantly posting rumors and supposed leaks if not verified. That doesn’t mean that what you hear there is true, but it does mean that the leakers are getting their...
I believe I have indirectly mentioned how I got into gaming in a number of other articles here on PP, but I thought it might be nice if I heard how you did. To do that it only seemed fair that I share first. So, with that in mind, here is my story…. ...