Chest pain, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath: While panic attacks and anxiety attacks share common symptoms, they also have distinct differences
If you are suffering from anxiety, you may have one of the various types of anxiety disorders. While only a mental health professional can diagnose anxiety, understanding symptoms of anxiety disorders can give you an idea of whether or not your symptoms might point toward a mental health conditi...
particularly a type known as interoceptive exposure. Amental healthprofessional uses a controlled environment to expose people to the physical sensations associated with anxiety, thus reducing fear of those sensations. For example, someone who experiences a rapid heartbeat when anxious may be asked to ...
But if you know you are prone to panic attacks and have gotten reassurance from your doctor that you have no heart issues, you might remind yourself of what a panic attack feels like, take some deep breaths and see if the feelings subside.If you are having trouble managing your anxiety or...
Anxiety attacks (or panic attacks, I use the terms interchangeably) trick you into into trying to help yourself with methods that make the problem worse. To see how this works, consider what happens when you experience an anxiety attack. You experience real fear, make no mistake about that....
you start to feel hot,nauseous, uneasy, and to prevent this from happening, you start avoiding a lot of places which makes you feel lonely and isolated. You or the person in both of thesescenarioshave anxietydisorders, and what I can tell you is that anxiety is very common, much more ...
Unlike a heart attack,stroke symptomsare less likely to be brought on by anxiety, Stein says. Strokes can cause permanent damage to yourbrain, so it’s important to get medical care ASAP if you even think somebody might be having one, Saxena says. “Some patients will not have the typical...
Now I said I have over a decade of demonizing stress to redeem myself from, so we are going to do one more intervention. I want to tell you about one of the most under-appreciated aspects of the stress response, an...
Nocturnal Panic Attacks that wake you from a sound sleep can lead to sleep anxiety. Learn to naturally ease this problem out of your life.
I spent many years of my life trying to push fear away and running as fast as I could from it. But what I needed to do was to allow myself to lean into fear, to work through it, to face it head on. I needed to show my anxiety and fear that I wasn’t afraid anymore. ...