The more you know about credit repair, the better able you will be to teach your clients what they need to know. Read as much as you can about credit repair strategies, history, and the industry. Get credit repair business training, attend events, build relationships with other credit ...
Internet basics: A complete guide for older adultsRL Robin Layton Apr 16, 2024 — 20 min read Internet use among older adults continues to rise, with 88% of adults aged 65 and older in 2023 using the internet, according to Statista. Some other interesting facts include: Baby boomers ...
@resumegeniusIf you want to impress recruiters with your resume, you must showcase your work achievements, not your responsibilities. The PAR (Problem – Action – Result) is a great way to do so 📝 Watch this video to learn how to use this method and land for job interviews 👍 🔸...
If you’re somebody who wants to dive into the basics, well. CNN called the book Stack. The book to read in 2023. And if you read it and haven’t implemented any of the fantastic steps in that book, or you haven’t read it yet, well guess what? We’re doing an organized book ...
I am an opponent of consumer debt because the interest rates that credit cards charge are usurious when compared to the government bond yield of ~4.5%. If you are going to use a credit card, please pay it off in full every month or you're just lighting your money on fire. This ain'...
Compete in competitions, the more accolades you have, the better. To brand yourself as a legitimate MMA gym owner, you need to have authority in the space. Whether you bring in competitive fighters as instructors or teach yourself, is down to you. ...
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