Whether you teach grammar to native English speakers or to ESL (English as a Second Language) students, knowing how to teach the topic of verb tenses is imperative to helping students obtain fluency in all areas of communication. After all, how many native English speakers can readily identify ...
Whether it's about Abraham Lincoln, George Clooney or Demi Moore, a profile of a famous person offers one of the best ways to teach past and past perfect verb tenses. Have each student print out information on a favorite person from the Internet, then write a short biography, in the stud...
P649What did dogs teach humans about diabetes - Duncan C. Ferguson 03:48 P650How smart are dolphins - Lori Marino 04:52 P651What is a coronavirus - Elizabeth Cox 05:16 P652What happens to our bodies after we die - Farnaz Khatibi Jafari 04:41 P653The beneficial bacteria that make del...
The present continuous tense, also referred to as the present progressive tense, can be taught to high school students to maximize their understanding of its proper grammatical use. Form Students should first understand the form of the present continuous tense. It is the linking verb am/is/are ...
Another great way to give the words more meaning is through using music. You can find many songs for remembering irregular verbs on YouTube. Here are three of the best: FluencyMCuses a catchy rap song to teach the forms of some of the most common irregular verbs. ...
The most effective way to learn English grammar! In this lesson for all levels, I teach you a way to learn all tenses in English without getting complicated. A simple, clear way to learn each tense. You can use this method for other topics, too!
Here's what these Mexican languages can teach us about verbs and time! Tense 101 First, let's take a look at English verbs. In English, tense is used to mark whether an action or activity takes place in the past, present, or future: ...
第6章:如何教语言(How to teach language) 【手写笔记】 【读书笔记中英文对照】 ■6-1:语言学习的构成(what does language study consist of?) ◆6-1-1:接触新语言(exposed to new language); ◆6-1-2:理解其意义(understanding its meaning); ...
Verb tenses—English verbs change according to the tense, as well as sometimes by adding auxiliary verbs. Chinese verbs do not change at all. There are a number of ways to express tense in Chinese, such as by adding a time expression or verb particle. So having to change the actual verb...
In this lesson, I explain how and when we use to before a verb with the -ing ending. The use of to before an -ing verb is not always correct. But it is correct in a particular case to express an emotion or action happening in the present referring to a p