A chromatic tuner is a device that detects the pitch of a note as you pluck a string of the ukulele. With the aid of a chromatic tuner, you can quickly identify if you are sharp or flat (that is to say “too high” or “too low” in pitch) relative to the desired note. I ...
I teach over 8,000 students in the Ukulele Tricks online ukulele lesson coursesStrumming TricksandFingerpicking Tricks. I’m also the author of the internationally-published practice-based bookUkulele Exercises For Dummies. The coolest part about Ukulele Tricks is that I get to meet a lot of awes...
The best online guitar lessons are free! Learn to play guitar with fast, fun, and effective courses and song lessons for beginners and up! Community support!
Understand how to play chords the right way, and the theory of how they are constructed One instant trick to teach your fingers how to move – subconsciously Bonus One: Learn to link ukulele chords together in a truly unique, musical way. Linking chords means practice is always fun as you...
If you plan to become a professional pianist, expect to practice a lot.But you don’t need to practice eight hours a day to jam with a band, lead your church worship team, or even teach beginners. If you just want to play your favorite songs and have fun, practicing 15 minutes a ...
I’ve spent a lot of years as a teacher beating my head against a wall and wondering how to present strumming to students. They always want more, more, more strums and I want to teach less, less, less strums. Why? Because they (with a small handful of exceptions over the years) loo...
How deciding to teach yourself ukulele for 3 years straight improved your learning strategies, taught you self-discipline and time management, and encouraged you to be open to new ideas. How an internship at a publishing company improved your reading and writing skills, taught you to work collabo...
That’s exactly what you do in the free ukulele lesson bookYour First Ukulele Lesson and Then Somewhere I teach you how to play your first songs simple strumming patterns like this one. Enter your email address below to grab your free copy: ...
and motivating way to learn how to play bass, acoustic, and electric guitar, ukulele, piano, and singing. Yousician’s interactive bass lessons teach you the basics of playing bass and more. The extensive song library in Yousician includes a variety of styles and musical genres to choose from...
Downloadable Resources for Guitar Teachers, lesson plans student handouts and guitar teaching backing tracks from teachwombat