While it’s constitutional for public schools to teach children about religion, it’s unconstitutional to promote particular or sectarian religious beliefs in public schools. Courses that only teach the Bible, without inclusion of other religious texts or philosophies, provide a very limited perspective...
As Christians, we want to experience God through the Bible… we really do! But our good intentions fall flat when reading the Bible just doesn’t seem to help us experience God in a real way. What should feel dynamic and important and alive often feels confusing and boring and irrelevant....
Use hands-on activities to teach preschoolers about the Beatitudes. Preschoolers enjoy crafts, especially when they get to paint, cut or glue. Help your child make a Beatitude Book using coloring sheets that depict each teaching. Consider using your child's original drawings. Print a copy of th...
Use plenty of visual aids to teach your preschooler about their brains. Since kids can't see inside their heads, you can show your child pictures of their brains. You can point out that the brain has two sides. Ask your child, "Why do you think there are two sides instead of one?"...
Take advantage of preschoolers while they're still little sponges, soaking up all the knowledge that comes their way. If you're teaching young children in Bible school, you have a golden opportunity to imprint in your preschoolers' little heads all the b
Teach us to love more like you love, Lord. One of the beautiful compensations in this life is that no one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, popular American lecturer, philosopher, and poet....
The McGuffey Readers are a collection of books that teach reading concepts to children, including stories about morality. They were created by Rev. William Holmes McGuffey in the mid-1800s. The initial publication of the series included references to the Bible and espoused a Christian morality....
Some kids need a lighter touch, others more nudging.” As some children experience learning loss after more than a year of online school, many parents have looked to tutoring as a solution. Whether you are considering a tutor for the first time or your child has worked with one before, ...
I read the Bible to and with my kids, but I wonder sometimes if I'm talking to them on a level that they understand. Creating relevant object lessons that make sense to a child is not a strength of mine, but I found someone who is really good with teaching the Bible to kids in an...