The translation of the expression Got’verani (გოთვერანი) could be faggot, probably with the same origin as in the case of the Turkish language, with the similar expression Götveren that means “the one who gives his ass” being Göt- ass and -vere to give....
Most kids are bored with their parents’ friends who come to dinner. I was too, unless that friend happened to have been to a foreign country – any foreign country – in which case I cross examined him ruthlessly on every detail of his foreign visit. Once a visitor who’d been through...
What I've also found comforting is that sending my kids to a language immersion school has helped me brush up on my own Mandarin skills. I occasionally do homework with my son and I'm constantly looking up how to say things in Mandarin to teach them too. Despite the my greed for a...
Contents Acknowledgements Introduction PartI:MyStory ALifeofLanguageLearning PartII:TheSystem DoAsINowSay,NotAsIThenDid PsychUp FrenchorTagalog:ChoosingaLanguage GatheringYourTools TheMultipleTrackAttack HiddenMoments HarryLorayne’sMagicMemoryAid ThePlunge Motivations LanguagePowertothePeople BacktoBasics LastWords...
What about kids and screen time? The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provides specificscreen time recommendations for childrenby age. They also offer a tool called theFamily Media Use Planto help parents create a balanced screen time plan that will work well for their family. ...
While it takes time and effort to monetize a blog, a successful travel blog can potentially generate passive income through various ways. Here's a few
You know the phrase "You can't teach an old dog new tricks?" Take it to heart. Picking up a sport, a language, a hobby, or a skill is infinitely harder the older you get. Do yourself a favor now and get involved in whatever you can. By the time you need to apply, you'll be...