Teach English in Shanghai. Frank BT Sydney Australia come to Shanghai a years old. LAN Chinese in fu dan university. Hello, my name is Angela nice to meet you. I'm hello, nice to meet you too. Your accent sounds American. Are you from America. No, I'm from Canada. Where are you...
The ability to hear and manipulate sounds is called Phonological Awareness, and it is the first step in teaching a child to read. In fact, phonological awareness is even more important for later reading success than knowing the letters of the alphabet! This is exactly how I start my learn-t...
How to teach reading - 西城高中-北师大版 热度: -- HowtoTeachEnglish笔记整理 UnitOneHowtobeagoodteacher Whatmakesagoodteacher? Howshouldteacherstalktostudents? Howshouldteachersgiveinstructions? Whoshouldtalkinclass? Whatarethebestkindsoflesson?
Make an alphabet chart with large letters for the classroom. Teach the sounds of each letter. Give students a smaller copy and have them glue it onto the inside cover of their English books for easy reference. Circle the vowels in red to distinguish them from the consonants. Now that the ...
How to Teach English笔记整理 Unit One How to be a good teacher What makes a good teacher?How should teachers talk to students?How should teachers give instructions?Who should talk in class?What are the best kinds of lesson?How important is it to follow a pre-arranged plan?What makes a ...
Learn how to pronounce the letters of the English alphabet -- essential for telling people your email address, and sometimes even your name. If you learned English in a school, this might have been one of your first classes, but people who have learned b
Even though thos e letters hav e other sounds, sh e tries not to mention them to confus e th e students.On c e th e students ar e good at what have been taught, sh e begins to teach students double long vowels (lik e bee, see) and magi c e (as in make,bake).After that ...
◆5-6-3:一般式,动词原形(simple,the base form of verb); 【1】→与主语保持一致(agreeing with the subject); 【2】→表明时间和时态(indicating time and tense); ◆5-6-4:进行式 【1】→动词原形加-ing;(adding –ing to the base form); ...
2) Say a C-V-C word to the child.This is a three letter word that consists of two consonants and a vowel. The vowel appears in the middle of the consonants and makes the short vowel sound. C-V-C words consist ...
That’s why it’s important to spend time helping them grow a true understanding of these letters and all the different sounds they can make. Try the following tips as you teach and practice with consonants: Use visuals to sort consonants from vowels Look for alphabet letter magnet sets in...