◆7-4-3:原则三:学生应被鼓励对阅读材料的内容作出回应,而非仅仅是对语言本身(students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text,not just to the language); 【1】→给学生回应文本信息的机会(giving students a chance to respond to the message of text); 【2】→允许学生表...
tesol课程 how to teach reading TESOL课程中关于如何教授阅读的内容主要包括以下几个方面:1. 阅读材料的选择:选择适合学生年龄和水平的阅读材料,包括教材、小说、故事书等。同时,教师还 需要根据学生的兴趣和需求,提供多样化的阅读材料,以满足不同学生的阅读需求。2. 阅读技巧的指导:教师需要教授学生不同的阅读...
Teach 100 at a time. Once the students have mastered the first 100, then move on to the next batch. Enhance reading comprehension by teaching students pre-reading strategies. Show them how to use highlighters to mark important main points, how to annotate text with a question and comment ...
that reading is a bridge to success in earning knowledge which we need.An educator ever said,the more you read,the further you can travel.Itis to say that reading is so essentional not only for us,but also for students that we must pay highly attention to it so as to master the ...
The“science of reading”refers to an interdisciplinary body of research that examines how humans learn to read, the processes involved in reading, and the most effective ways to teach reading. It draws from various fields, including cognitive psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, and education. The...
Nearpod allows you to filter by standards to find lessons aligned with the Science of Reading for foundational skills instruction. Choose one of theEnglish Language Arts (ELA)strands in the dropdown menu to discover lessons you can teach or duplicate and modify to meet your students’ needs. ...
(why teach reading?) ◆7-1-1:阅读的目的:为职业;为学习;为乐趣(reading for careers; for study purposes; for pleasure); ◆7-1-2:有益于接触英语(good exposure to English); ◆7-1-3:有益于语言习得(good for language acquisition); ◆7-1-4:是写作的良好范例(good models for English writing...
A. To teach students how to use a dictionary. B. To help students learn groups of related words. C. To teach students how to make flashcards. D. To provide Chinese translations for English words.( )38. To remember a word, how many times should the word be met when reading? A. At...
TEACHINGREADING .Howdopeopleread?.Thematerialswechoosetoteach.Readingstrategies.Modelsforteachingreading.Activitiesweuseinteachingreading 1.Howdoweread?Aloud?Orsilent?Twotypes Readingaloud MannerUttereverysyllables Silentreading Requiresnoutterances Speed slower faster Purpose SkillsinvolvedFormsofactivityLevelsof...
◆8-2-8:写作类型无限制(no limit to the kinds of text for writing); 【1】→学生的语言掌握量(how much language the students know); 【2】→学生兴趣所在(what students’ interests are); 【3】→写作任务既要实用,还要能够激发学生(what we think will not only be useful but also motivate them...