Teaching phrasal verbs is a difficult area. Many a study has proved that contextualization has an important positive effect on the ability of the students to decipher the correct meaning of a phrasal verb. In this article you will read some useful approa
P1022017-01-18 What to say when you meet someone for the first time - Small Talk in 21:49 P1032017-01-19 Fun with phrasal verbs in English - Speak English with Christina 18:03 P1042017-01-20 Past simple vs Present perfect simple - Speak English with Christina 19:52 P1052017-01-24...
◆5-5-2:谓语动词(main verbs):承载重要的意思表达(carrying the main meaning); ◆5-5-3:短语性动词(phrasal verbs); 【1】→动词后加副词或介词(副词和介词)构成,创造新的意义(adding an adverb or a preposition to a verb to create new meaning); 【2】→独立的意义单位(single units of meaning)...
Phrasal verbs with HOLD hold on, hold off, etc. – American English 07:33 Placement and Intonation Exercise How’s it going 09:04 Practice your English! Make me a video What do you love Challenge! 03:23 Pronunciation – The Definitive Guide to the Top 100 Words in American English ...
If you want to tie catenation to one particular language point, it can work with almost anything that has more than one word, such as: phrasal verbs and other idioms (“get on with”, etc) functional language and situational phrases (complaints phrases, phrases in the airport, etc) ...
phrasal verbs (“If I were you, I’d just break up with him”, etc) relationships vocabulary expressions related to failure and success (“take one step forwards and two steps back”, “reach your goals”, etc) vocabulary related to education (“essay”, “end of term”, “fresher”, ...
Teach English in Shanghai. Frank BT Sydney Australia come to Shanghai a years old. LAN Chinese in fu dan university. Hello, my name is Angela nice to meet you. I'm hello, nice to meet you too. Your accent sounds American. Are you from America. No, I'm from Canada. Where are ...
Informal language tends to have shorter words and sentences. The shorter words are often put together into phrasal verbs and other idiomatic phrases like “hold on”, “let me know” and “give me a ring”. One reason the sentences are shorter is that they often lose particular grammatical ...
Always a pleasure to listen you and teach us….Thanks. beernaard Good lesson indeed. This site help me a lot . ivankolevf Thank you very much Emma!! We look forward to hearing from you again soon ;) knopfler86 thanks a lot this class it was so helpfull ..Emma you are a great...
some ideas how to learn phrasal verbs? renata13 Hi Renata, I’m afraid there’s no trick to them. they are basically vocab you need to study. But with thee as well, better to study them as chunks. For example learn turn on off over up down in out around and turnover turnout tur...