Teach What You Know: How to Make a Living on SkillshareCooper, Nate
If you always struggle to stay focused while studying, then you're not alone.如果你在学习时总是很难保持专注,那么你不是一个人。Studies show that around 49% of people feel like their attention span is shorter than it used to be and 50% of us check our phones on average every 12 minute...
Skillshareis an excellent platform for teaching creative talents if you’re an entrepreneur, designer, writer, photographer, or blogger wishing to teach your craft online. You can discover classes on various well-known and specialized subjects, including marketing, photography, cookery, drawing, cooking...
For aspiring art students, a partnership between Skillshare and Procreate has produced a series of online videos demonstrating how to merge the earliest cartooning concepts with the latest digital drawing tools.
Basically, your perfect course, is something you know a lot about, something you feel you can teach, and something there’s a demand for. One of the most effective ways to evaluate demand is to use social media. Here are some of my favorite ways to do this: Find groups on social medi...
Skillshare Courses: Intro to UX: Designing with a User-Centered Approach Figma UI UX Design Fundamentals Digital Design: Creating Design Systems for Easier, Better & Faster Design How to Design a Website in Photoshop Price:Varies Format:Online ...
Check out “PolyMatter” on Skillshare. Skillshare: Want to teach people things but don’t want to make them publically for free? Skillshare is a platform that allows people to create online courses to help others, and if people use your course, Skillshare will pay you. Want to learn from...
Coursera and edX: Offer university-level courses on design fundamentals. Skillshare and Udemy: Provide affordable and beginner-friendly classes. YouTube: Features countless free tutorials on specific tools and techniques. These tools and resources can teach you everything from designing logos to creating...
In addition to dedicated course platforms, you might also want to explore online course marketplaces like Udemy, Coursera, or Skillshare. These marketplaces offer built-in audiences, making it easier to reach potential students without heavy marketing efforts. However, keep in mind that they often...
First, you’ll have to determine which skill or process you want to teach (and how long it will take someone to learn it). Then you’ll need to validate that course idea with your readers, or otherwise go out and start conversations with your target customers, to ensure there’s actuall...