If none of the above work, try signing out of your account that’s connected to the Mail app and then back in: Go to System Settings > Internet Accounts. Select your email account provider. Tap Delete Account (don’t worry; this will not permanently delete your account. Instead, it’...
Cut the ACME rods using a hacksaw- make sure to clean up the ends of the threads where you cut the rod. Use some wood blocks or a cloth wrapped around the thread when holding the ACME rod in a vise for cutting so you don't damage the threads. File a flat spot onto the last 1/...
Bonus round: You can open the gApps zip file and remove the apk installers for any apps you don’t want to install. Just make sure to leave GoogleServicesFramework alone. As a matter of explanation, ACMEInstaller is an installer file which is run from your PC. the update-cm-9.0 file...
For this build, I bought a pre-built front axle from a guy in Texas. He has a small business called " Acme mowersports" and can be found at www.acmemowersports.com. His front axles are a good deal because even if you were to build your own, the cost would be only slightly less....
You can use TPToolbox to resize your device partitions or repair partitions. And unlike ACMEInstaller (the original tool for installing Android on the TouchPad), TPToolbox erases webOS entirely. This gives you more space for your Android operating system, apps, and files. You can still re-...
Depending on the N-substitution of the amide station, and on deprotonation or deprotonation-carbamoylation, the actuation of the molecular machinery differs accordingly to very distinct interactions between the axle and the DB24C8. Keywords: molecular machine; rotaxane; amide; ammonium; amine; dibenzo...