Discusses different approaches on how parents can talk to their child. Details of a good command approach to children; Reason behind withholding explanations to children; Importance of being specific in...
Child psychologist Shelja Sen offers a new take on family communication, asking us to consider the effects our words have on our children -- and showing a new model for helping kids solve their own problems. (In Hindi with English subtitles) psychology communication parenti...
Talking about adoption with your child is a journey that continues to ebb and flow as they grow. By being open, honest and supportive, you can help your child understand their unique story and feel secure in your family’s love. Regardless of the child’s age, the key is to approach th...
Rigid thinking about gender is especially common in the preschool years, during which time your child's identity is being developed and formed. Now is a perfect time to start modeling to your child that things don't have to be restricted by gender, Dr. Lowe says. Explain that gender ...
“The next thing you want to say is that you’re willing to talk about it,” Rutgers Social-Emotional Learning Lab Director Maurice Elias says. “That’s where it has to start in the beginning. I think that it’s not realistic to expect your child to immediately want t...
Talk about differences. Hair, skin, eyes – children are noticing all these distinctions and beginning to describe them. It's normal. If your child points out that someone has curly hair, you can say, "Some people have curly hair, and some people have straight hair – isn't that cool?
Teaching kids about money early can help grow their financial skills in adulthood. Learn how to talk about money and teach them basic money lessons.
Unfortunately many lives are touched by suicide. And while you may want to hide the means of death from your child, this may not be possible, especially in the age of social media. This has provided a modern difficulty for practitioners in the field, and
Talking with your kids about climate change is a key to preparing them for the future and also helping them manage their anxiety, says Harriet Shugarman,executive director of the education and advocacy group ClimateMama and author of “How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change.” ...
How to talk to your child about sex 楼主 昔昔萌萌哒 宝宝4岁3个月 ur child wants more detail, you can say, "Sex is a way grown-ups who love each other very much can be as close as possible, to cuddle and kiss in a special way. Sometimes a man and a woman can start a baby ...