读书最紧要的就是视野 奥斯卡·王尔德曾经说过,“我从不看自己必须评论的书;那会让你形成偏见。”,不读书的方式不止一种,最为极端的就是从不开启一本书的那种。对于任意一位读者,无论他是如何专注于阅读,事实上对于差不多所有印刷出来的东西,都要抱着这样的从来不看的态度。因为事实上这是我们和书籍间的首要...
Don't hesitate anymore. The best time to invest is now. Employers are encouraged to B sales in the form. A travel accent is a person of business that arrange these people's holidays and then raise. Although the young man failed in starting his own business, he didn't lose face. The ...
Make no mistake about it: in today’s world, knowing how to talk to people is one of the most important virtues you can possess. If you don’t know how to talk to people it’s hard to make friends, build a social life, grab the interest of the opposite sex or get ahead in your...
Now,How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywherepasses on the information accumulated through a lifetime of practice and research. In today’s world, getting your point across effectively and knowing how to talk to people has never been more important, so rather than a case study, this book is...
“This will either deepen the relationship, offering a chance to learn about each other further, or end the relationship,” she says. If the latter, it probably wasn’t meant to be. “If you are staying within what you feel is comfortable,” Wright says, “then you have nothing to be...
People with the most impressive claims to literary culture have failed to read books that are thought to be essential to the cultured person. Paul Valéry, the great French poet, never read Proust, though he wrote about him. Montaigne claimed to have forgotten not only much of what he read...
How To Talk to Teens about Really Important Things: Specific Questions and Answers and Useful Things To Say For parents of teenagers, talking about sex, drugs, lifestyle choices, AIDS, and divorce can be one of life's toughest challenges. This books serves as a g... CE Schaefer,TF Diger...
在他那本调皮而不失深意的《如何谈论你没读过的书》(How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read)里,Pierre Bayard饶有兴致地把玩着一个古怪的概念——“不读”(non-reading)。他认为比起阅读来,“不读”才是一种常态。这世界上的书实在太多了,即便疯狂如Garfunkel,毕其一生所读之书恐怕也只是汪洋大海中...
"...culture is above all a matter of orientation. Being cultivated is a matter not of having read any book in particular, but of being able to find your bearings within books as a system...what counts in a book is the books alongside it."1.这是一本理论书,但是呢比其它理论书好玩的地...