Regardless of age, it is extremely painful and challenging to deal with an alcoholic parent. You can help get them on the road to recovery.
Parents have a profound impact on a child’s decision to try alcohol or other drugs, but relationships between parents and their children are often delicate. You have to be involved in their lives, but avoid being a helicopter parent who is smothering or overprotective. Eventually, teens have ...
To deal with an alcoholic parent: Establish clear boundaries about when the alcoholic’s presence will be tolerated, Avoid arguments with the drinker and take...
How to love an alcoholic (while you help fight the disease).Reports that there are over 18 million alcoholics in the United States. Use of alcohol to relieve tension; Alcoholics who never seek treatment; Guidelines for an intervention.Shoss...
“For an alcoholic or addict to truly embrace change, they need to find the desire within themselves.”Click Here To Tweet This Quote. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t confront them about their addiction. As a friend or a family member, your actions may help nudge them along the path ...
With the right approach, you can learn how to deal with an alcoholic and move towards a better future for both of you.
With divorce comes all the drama of severed relationships, he-said she-said finger pointing, and drama triangles where people talk about each other, but never directly to one another so healing could occur. We might as well lawyer up and some do. It’s called Grandparent Rights. See also...
Originally Posted On: Friends and Family of an Alcoholic
How to Cope When a Parent Uses Alcohol The emotional and psychological scars that children of parents with AUD can develop can last well into adulthood. If you have an alcohol problem and you have children in the home, please try to find help. ...
A functional alcoholic often consumes as much alcohol as someone with an alcohol use disorder. However, they will not exhibit outward symptoms of intoxication. This is because they have developed a tolerance for alcohol to the point that it takes more for them to feel the effects (including han...