However, 30% of these people dropped out before successful completion of treatment. Methods to “rehabilitate” an alcoholic are glamourized by celebrities and in the media. Yet how effective is it really, and what are scientifically proven ways to help an alcoholic? This article aims to answ...
Talk to someone you trust:Having someone to talk to can help you feel supported and understood. Seek professional help:If you are experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms, it is important to seek professional help. It is important to remember that you are not alone in this. Many people have su...
A ten-minute slide presentation by Scott McMillin on the basic concepts of communicating effectively with your addict or alcoholic. If you love someone who is struggling with addiction or alcoholism, you can help their journey to recovery by learning some simple communications rules....
If you’re a casual drinker, saying no topeer pressuremay not be easy. You may see a friend who is a casual drinker say no when offered a drink and wonder why it’s easy for them. He or she may not needself-help tools, but those resources might work for you. ...
Whiskey is an alcoholic beverage made from grains such as barley, wheat, rye, and corn. The process is the same as that for beer until the grains are fermented. After fermentation, distillation is repeated several times to raise the alcohol content. The distillate is then aged in casks. Whi...
next time — during the second conversation, you can probably get farther,” he says. “Leave the conversation without prescribing treatment or recovery:I don’t know much about addiction, but I am here for you if you want to talk about it.Be the friend that keeps the conversation open....
Eric Patterson is a licensed professional counselor in the Pittsburgh area who is dedicated to helping children, adults, and families meet their treatment goals.Read more Sources “Alcohol’s Effects on the Body.”National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. U.S. Department of Health and ...
To deal with an alcoholic parent: Establish clear boundaries about when the alcoholic’s presence will be tolerated, Avoid arguments with the drinker and take...
To prepare yourself for a successful next relationship, you need to come up with some clear goals and expectations for yourself and your future partner. They need to be stated and apparent to you in some form or fashion: this could mean you write them down, tell them to a friend, or de...
Regardless of age, it is extremely painful and challenging to deal with an alcoholic parent. You can help get them on the road to recovery.