Google just doesn't seem to take this into account when giving it's speed scores. So, my opinion would be not to worry about this. However your chat and email marketing app are impacting load time, I've pasted the google report on this below. Name | Size | Thread Blocking Time ...
Now that I’m not traveling any longer, I still take 300mcg of melatonin nightly, at 8:30pm in the summer and 8pm in the winter (with a target bedtime of 10-10:30pm). It’s really helpful for getting tired when I need to, and for a restful sleep. Any doses higher than 500mcg...
Or maybe you have a software issue which is causing the drive to be accessed so that the encryption process is taking longer than it this case try booting into Safe Mode to see if it helps with the encryption process. You do have to have the laptop connected to the charger...
Now, to achieve even more accuracy with an Alt/Az mounted scope, I recommend using a laptop and the CPWI software. It is free, as compared to the Starsense Auto Align. CPWI allows you to add multiple alignment stars which can really "dial in" (I hate that term, LOL) the alignment....
Your comments about EAA must have rooted themselves in my brain! I was talking to the wife yesterday about what it would take to set up a rig where I could use my Canon camera connected to my 8" SCT and do EAA viewing from the living room. I already figured out the software - now...
Besides that, and three suspects errors recorded about six months ago, that drive appears in surprisingly good conditions (according to S.M.A.R.T.) for a stock laptop drive that was powered on for more than 1100 days (26423 hours): ...
The extractors are controlled by an SCT client running on a Mac laptop. Because the client offloads data processing chores to the extractors, a small desktop or laptop is perfectly suited to run the client. A great feature of the SCT client is that it ...
click theActiontab clickSearch, go to Text and search for “Bios Lock”, then click the search result that says “DriverSampleDxe”. Now you need to right-click and select “Extract as is”, a file named “Section_PE32_image_DriverSampleDxe_SetupUtility.sct” should appear in the folder...
The extractors are controlled by an SCT client running on a Mac laptop. Because the client offloads data processing chores to the extractors, a small desktop or laptop is perfectly suited to run the client. A great feature of the SCT client is that it ...
At least in my experince, I was able to get 5-10 minute subs on my old LX200 SCT at 0.35 "/pixel with an RMS error of ~3 arc seconds. What killed me was not the RMS error perse, but due to the TERRIBLE backlash of the DEC on the LX200, the large errors from my DEC would...