这种方法帮助您简化research,您学会了吗,不得不说,research paper实在是一项工作量巨大的论文写作类型,费时费力,如果您对于写作有困难,您可以交给Meeloun(www.lxws.net)的英语母语写作专家,我们的写手最擅长页最经常写的类型之一就是research paper。
随着Roam Research工具的火热,反映其背后原理的书籍How to take smart notes也开始为越来越多的人所关注。LEO将英文原书翻译,拆分成三个部分,配合LEO读后感式的总结发布出来,这篇是“第三部分:六大步骤”。 通过译文加总结的形式,LEO希望更多人能够掌握记笔记的秘诀,尤其是长期使用ANKI的同学,这本书也提供了很多参...
接触过的文人当中又以钱钟书、李敖最令我印象深刻。钱钟书的天才几乎无迹可寻,虽然杨绛提到过他也做了大量笔记 [1]。李敖倒是承认自己不是天才,而是靠方法来整理、记忆知识。第一次看到李敖介绍他怎么整理知识的时候,惊叹不已 [2]:我李敖看的书很少会忘掉,什么原因呢?方法好。什么方法?心狠手辣。剪刀美工刀全部...
How to Take Notes Notes are a quick way of using the minimum words to remind you of maximum information after the important discourse has ended. Note taking is important when you are listening to a lecture, watching a significant video, or reading a book that relates to research you are do...
Cornell notes follow an intelligent structure that facilitates active learning and recall. On the left side, you write down keywords or questions that you use to quiz yourself later. On the right-hand side, you take your notes in a traditional nested outline format. At the bottom, ...
This book helps students, academics and nonfiction writers to get more done, write intelligent texts and learn for the long run. It teaches you how to take smart notes and ensure they bring you and your projects forward. The Take Smart Notes principle is based on established psycholog... (...
I've held vague aspirations of improving my note-taking habits for a while now, but I finally stumbled across enough research to convince me that it's time to take action. Whether you want to take better meeting notes, remember more of what you read, or just write notes to your future...
《How to take smart notes》这本书主要写给有学术写作需求的人看,但是其方法论是通用的——Zettelkasten,有一群爱好者推广此方法很久了,我也关注了一年多。所以看他引入部分我就觉得熟悉。名字的拆解很直观,Zettel: Note, 笔记。Kasten: Box,就是笔记盒子的直译。
Make literature notes. Whenever you read something, make notes about the content. Make permanent notes. Go through the notes you made in step one or two (ideally once a day and before you forget what you meant) and think about how they relate to what is relevant for your own research, ...
1、Unit Four Getting it Write In this unit, you will learn Why do we take notes? Shortcuts in taking notes. Note-taking FormatPart I Brief Introduction to Note TakingPart II Time Saving Tips and StrategiesPart III Putting it TogetherPart I Brief Introduction to Note Taking 1 Warm-up ...