When you are ready to take pictures with your camera attached to the telescope, using a remote shutter release cable is useful. This accessory allows you to capture images without touching the camera and even set a sequence of images to fire off independently. (this is the one I use). A...
How to take pictures of the moon - including the camera settings, equipment, and best practices for a perfect shot.
As all eyepieces are a slightly different length depending on their power, it becomes quite easy to feel which is which in the dark when you want to change which one you're using. And their owners carry out many, many happy observing sessions with that first telescope and its eyepieces....
If you have a computerizedGoTotelescope, there’s one other part that’s worth mentioning.10Your GoTo will come with ahand controller, which will allow you to access the thousands of objects contained within your telescope’s database. You can also use the controller to slew the telescope bot...
Sun Surveyor will help you plan, predict and take photos with the sun. The interface is easy and the app has a great technical support. It has interactive viewing so you can use your phone’s camera. It also allows you to view Google Street View for other places. Tip 3. Arrange the ...
Image: Celestron Even better than zoom lenses is a telescope. You’ll need an iPhone mount like Celestron’s $80 NexYZ DX Kit, which holds your iPhone next to the eyepiece and includes a Bluetooth shutter release remote. You can even pick up a cheap scope, like the Celestron EclipSmart...
I think he's asking what improvements, modifications, or changes have you made to a stock telescope that you think should have been done by the manufacturer to improve the quality or value of the overall product. For instance, the Apertura/Zhumell dobs - they should have given you stronger...
Telescope Basics: How Telescopes work Intro to Telescope Telescope History 1st Galileo Telescope Timeline of Telescope Astronomy Today Using a Telescope Buying a Telescope Children Telescope Kids' Toy Telescope Telescope Reviews Celestron CPC800 Coronado Telescope ...
Celestron EclipSmart Safe Solar Eclipse Filter Celestron EclipSmart Safe Solar Eclipse Filter $19.95 at Amazon $27.95 at Amazon $37.79 at Newegg A cheap and cheerful solar filter to attach to your telescope, camera lens or spotting scope for easy solar viewing, but it's not designed to last...
Looking for a telescope for a lunar eclipse? We recommend theCelestron StarSense Explorer DX 130AZas the top pick for basic astrophotography in ourbest beginner's telescope guide. Lunar eclipses are among the easiest skywatching events to observe. ...