If you use AdBlock as your Safari ad blocker, here’s how to temporarily turn it off: Open the AdBlock for Safari app. Click on Pause Ad Blocking.When you click Pause Ad Blocking, the web page you’re on will reload automatically. It may take a few moments for all of the previously...
Obviously, the CNN website can detect that I’m using an ad blocker. What a bummer. I can easily whitelist those sites, but it’s going to be very time-consuming because I don’t know which sites are like CNN and which are not. Also, I want to ensure I never run into this probl...
If you’re interested in giving aSafari ad blockera try, we’re proud to suggest our very ownAdBlock for Safari.With the ability to block ads, pop-ups, and integrate withAdBlock VPN, it’s a great tool for taking back control of your browsing experience and upping your online security....
To see what % of your traffic uses an ad blocker, you could: Add this .js file to your server Use Google Tag Manager Use this Adblock analytics dashboard Build your own solution If you have very low rates, you may not need/want to take mitigating actions; otherwise, see below for str...
Initially, I questioned why anyone would want to disable an ad blocker. However, I realized that not all users employ AdLock, and some websites require ad blockers to be turned off for access. Additionally, users may want to support certain websites by viewing ads. Regardless of your motiv...
Adblocker Response:If these elements are hidden or missing, it indicates an adblocker is likely active. The website might then display a message urging the user to disable their adblocker. Example:Checking if a common ad-related div ID or class () is blocked or removed by the user’s ad...
1. Is there an ad blocker on Chrome? 2. Where is the ad blocker on Google Chrome? How to disable/enable Google Chrome AdBlocker? The only drawback or advantage, whatever you call it, of the adblocker in Chrome is that you can’t disable it entirely. The ads can be disabled or ena...
Most Internet users agree: ads are annoying. They interfere with your browsing experience, keep you from scrolling with pop-ups, and show up at the most inconvenient times when watching videos. Fortunately, an ad blocker can help to cut down the number o
Everyone agrees that adblockers can often be life-savers. Without them, you may have to deal with an enormous quantity of ads every time you want to check
While Adblock brings an ad-free experience to users, it can hurt bloggers and website owners who rely solely on ad revenue. Research published by Global Web Index shows that adblocker usage has increased over the past few years. Nearly 30% of internet users have some kind of adblocking sof...