Check out this handy list of suggestions that ought to help you better assess the vehicle you take on a test drive. It's time to go beyond kicking the tires.
I've always then made sure I arrive at St Pancras International at least an hour and a half in advance to give me time to wheel the bike to the EuroDespatch office (well signed towards the rear of the station complex), before I then check in with the rest of my luggage.Collection/dr...
Tools for Washing Your BikeWater Be it in a bucket or a hose, a little water goes a long way. So instead of blasting the dirt off with a pressure washer (which can work too—if you’re careful), think of the water as an agent to loosen and rinse dirt away. Soap A little will ...
The bike will continue to skid, but in a controllable manner with little fishtailing. When the front wheel locks up, riders should ease off the front brake. If they don't, the front wheel can tuck under the bike, causing a fall. The best way to avoid a front lockup is to use a ...
Smaller and shorter riders may find a better fit on the same bike type with these smaller wheel sizes: Hybrids and Commuters: 26” Road bikes: 650b 650c Mountain Bikes: 26” 27.5” On some bike models, smaller sizes may use smaller wheels to remain in proportion. ...
How Often to Replace a Bike Chain Types of Bike Chains Generally, bike chains are defined by the number of cogs on your rear cassette. So if you have eight gears on your back wheel, you should be using an eight-speed chain. 12 gears gets a 12-speed chain. That’s because the number...
From balance bikes for the smallest riders to youth mountain bikes with front suspension, there are a lot of two-wheel options available to young cyclists. But with so many choices, how do you narrow your search? We'll guide you through the process of finding the right bike for your child...
Afel found out that the next Winter Olympics would be in Beijing, in 2022. “Perfect,” he thought. “Enough 21 for me to become a brilliant skier.” “But there’s no snow here!” people told him. “Where are you going to ski?” Afel ...
How to adjust your motorbike chain tension 1. Get the back wheel off the ground The drive chain on a bike is entirely responsible for transmitting the power from the engine and gearbox to the back wheel. A good maintenance routine will make it last longer and feel smoother. Part of that ...
Like modern roundabouts, these junctures feature one-way traffic moving around a central hub and connecting roads branching out like spokes on a wagon wheel. But the central circle is much larger, and connecting roads enter at abrupt right angles, requiring drivers to significantly slow or stop ...